Emergency Action Plan

Emergency and Catastrophe Procedures: 

We have emergency plans in place for the following scenarios and all Merlin Day Academy staff are trained to respond accordingly.   

  • Missing Child  
  • Medical Emergency  
  • Fire  
  • Lockdown  
  • Severe Weather  
  • Evacuation  
  • Utility Failure  
  • Community Safety  
  • Global Pandemic

Emergency Safety Drills 

Merlin Day Academy will conduct the following at least once per year:  

  • Annual  evacuation drills to address and prepare for fire incidents. 
  • Severe weather and shelter in place drills to address and prepare for possible tornado incidents.  
  • Law enforcement drill to address a shooting/intruder incident.  

Emergency Pick Up Procedure 

Merlin Day Academy models its emergency plan according to the local and state guidelines.  

  • In the event of an emergency, please make your way immediately to Merlin Day Academy to pick up your child. If another authorized adult is responsible for emergency pick up, please notify them to come to the building immediately.   
  • Leave the child’s belongings in the building and exit immediately upon pickup of your child.  
  • Clients will be released to any adult on the Emergency Contact/Pick Up Authorization form. Each adult must sign your child out and indicate where your child is being taken to.  
  • Do not, under any circumstances, take your child home without signing out and notifying your child’s therapist/lead. During an emergency, each child’s whereabouts must be documented and tracked.  
  • Please continue to respect traffic rules and parking regulations. Please leave the area as soon as possible to free up traffic in the area.   
  • All clients will remain at Merlin Day Academy with personnel until they are released to a parent/guardian or authorized pick-up person. Anticipate that all phone lines may be busy, disrupted or overloaded, so no phone calls will likely go through.   
  • We advise all families to have their own emergency plan so that each family member knows and understands the pick-up process, meeting place, and individual family emergency procedures.  

Emergency Building Evacuation 

In the event of a building evacuation, staff will escort all clients to a designated meeting area. Caregivers will be notified of the designated area pickup via emergency announcement (phone, email, social media).